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Welcome to my blog!

My inspiration for what I have created here stemmed from my own struggles with my autistic son; it is never easy, no two autistic kiddos are the same.

I felt alone and did not know how I would survive this daily struggle any more, I searched for answers. Upon reaching out to a local support agency,
I was paired up with 3 autism-related teams; two were ABA therapy, and one social therapy.

Now my day with my son has drastically changed - I have so much information I would like to share, if I can help one parent or caregiver, I have accomplished my goal.

As a disclosure in regards to media posts: I will not be including any posts of my children. This is due to legal reasons;
I do apologize that I cannot share with you pictures or videos of my kiddos, (my second is not autistic) they brighten my day!

I do have social media, please see my 'Follow Me On Social Media!' page for more information.

Enjoy reading :D

What's going on this week?

What's new for June?

Please refer all ** marks to Disclosure statement at the bottom of my post, also feel free to visit my Disclosure Page page on the bar on the right hand side of my blog. Links may be included in this post.

Summary: Below I have listed an update on how things are going with the blog, vlog, social media, and at home. There will not be an autism strategy in this post, my apologies all. 

YouTube Channel:

As I may have mentioned before, I am currently working on setting up my YouTube channel; I just purchased a webcam and have yet to set it up. I actually did a few vlogs on my iPhone, and it was pretty shaky, bad quality. Only the best for my viewers, so that is why this is taking so long. I am becoming impatient about it..once I figure all this new technology out, I am sure it will be a breeze. (Well, a girl can hope..)

I also purchased a new desktop today, I am in the process of figuring all that out. Andy is helping me set it up and we both said "We are too old for this" multiple times ha!


I plan to get going on a few ads - yes I know, they sometimes can be annoying to scroll past. With investing in a new computer, I am looking to slowly earn that back. See, I said I was frugal, didn't I? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Bear with me on that one! Adsense does not let me choose which ads to feature. (to my knowledge, please correct me if I am wrong). Social media is my main source of advertising at the moment, please spread the word about my blog!

Also, I do have a business email if there are any fellow bloggers out there or advertising companies that would like to collaborate; my email is posted in my 'Contact Information' page on the right hand of my blog. Feel free to shoot me an email if you are interested.


I am new to twitter, still trying to figure out how to get verified. I may need to contact their customer support as I have no clue on how to get that ball rolling ๐Ÿ™€ Technology is surpassing me these days! I might need to do some reading online about what a 'retweet' is even.

How's it going at home?

School is -almost- out for summer; Maddex had his last day June 1st, last Friday. Carter's last day is this week, most likely Friday. I have been so unorganized I had to email his teacher to get the date and time. (She has not yet responded). With summer break comes lots of fun activities. I am excited for the pools to open, along with lots of kid-friendly events in the community.

Okay, okay, call me a hypocrite if you want....Andy and I decided it is time to cut down on screen time. In a previous post I mentioned (in the past) limiting screen time was not something I planned to do. We are limiting the kiddos to one hour of tablet a day, along with cutting back on tv time. I am sure once we have some events lined up to attend this will drastically change. Maddex doesn't seem to mind; Carter is furious with us at this point. He even put his tablet in the garbage and hid the tv remove on me. Lots of verbal aggression. I expect this to turn around after a week or so. Once he gets out and about - especially in the pool, he will be fine. But hey, we have to start somewhere, right?

IEP's, med changes, and vacation! 

Both IEP's are now completed, we have the summer school schedules and placement set up for both the kiddos. Carter is going to attend the same school, and Maddex will be at a closer school within walking distance. Luckily, as he will be starting Kindergarten, he will be transported via the bus. (Yay! Commuting them to school has never been a favorite of mine, I enjoy just putting my robe and sandals on, waving bye as they get on the bus, and going back in the house to lounge around in my pajamas for an hour with a cup of coffee).

Carter is going through a med change, and due to medical reasons, my doctor suggested I also do the same. I have been nervous about it, but hey, the doctor has the degree, right? I am sure I am not the only autism mom with an anxiety disorder - I mean, hello, anxiety regardless. I feel like the med change is giving me more anxiety, rather than less...hopefully this gets better in time. Pray for good things for me please ๐Ÿ˜

Vacation trip!!! Yes that is right, we are going on our first family vacation!! Andy's mother is treating us to a week in Florida at Disney Land. We are all very excited - we haven't said much to the kids yet at this point as it is over two months away. We will be going in late August. Once we get closer to that date, I am hoping to work on some extra posts so I can just publish and you all can continue to read up on my autism strategies while we are out of state. I will have some great stories when we get back home.

My closing thoughts
I am excited to start working with my new desktop and webcam ๐Ÿ™† In time I will get better and better at this - I am pretty tech savvy, it's just a matter of figuring out how the new computer works, as it is windows and I am a mac user. I have never used a webcam before, and it's still in the box. One thing at a time here, I'll get those vlogs going as soon as I can. Summer time is very busy for the kiddos, they cannot wait to play in the water. I am ready for it, with school out of the way, I then have an open schedule, which is great. Lots of changes happening around here. Stay tuned and check out my social media for updates on future posts.

**Disclosure: Reviews of products & referenced links are not sponsored by any affiliates and are solely the opinion of the Author; these are strictly opinions and honest advice, which should not be considered consumer or health guidelines. The Autism Soup and/or The Author are not responsible for any injuries or damage due to procedures listed above. Please consult with your doctor in regards to health concerns.