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My inspiration for what I have created here stemmed from my own struggles with my autistic son; it is never easy, no two autistic kiddos are the same.

I felt alone and did not know how I would survive this daily struggle any more, I searched for answers. Upon reaching out to a local support agency,
I was paired up with 3 autism-related teams; two were ABA therapy, and one social therapy.

Now my day with my son has drastically changed - I have so much information I would like to share, if I can help one parent or caregiver, I have accomplished my goal.

As a disclosure in regards to media posts: I will not be including any posts of my children. This is due to legal reasons;
I do apologize that I cannot share with you pictures or videos of my kiddos, (my second is not autistic) they brighten my day!

I do have social media, please see my 'Follow Me On Social Media!' page for more information.

Enjoy reading :D

Our Structure Plans For July

Summer Structure

Please refer all ** marks to Disclosure statement at the bottom of my post, also feel free to visit my Disclosure Page on the bar on the right hand side of my blog. Links may be included in this post.

Summary: Below I have included some pictures and a video of Carter, also what I have planned for July in regards to structure, and of course, what is going on at home this week.

To skip to the autism related topic "
July's Structured Schedule."

Carter is finally on my blog & vlog!

Finally, Carter's father has signed my consent form so I can feature him here! 😀 He is very excited to be included in both, we did record a video together with some Q & A's on him so you all can get to know him better. I am including some pictures and videos of him below I feel you would enjoy:

July's Structured Schedule
  • Summer School: Both kiddos start summer school the week of the 8th. Since they will be attending that for at least an hour each, I need to get my butt back to the gym. I swear, I look at a cookie and put on two pounds 😂  I really hope it goes well for them and will be a good prep session for next school year.

  • Center for Carter: He has started this last month and developed a friendship with another kiddo at his skill level. They also are on the same baseball team! We are through the honeymoon phase and are now seeing the typical behaviors we saw during the school year. I am working with my parenting coach to learn how she is approaching these situations and how to better process with him.

  • Baseball for Carter: Baseball has been going well so far. The kiddos like to play at the park next to the baseball diamond afterward, and if their behavior meets my expectations, we sometimes get ice cream on the way home. As these games are in the evening, it wears the kiddos down so I'm glad they are at that time. It makes for an easy transition to bedtime.

  • Activities for Maddex: While Carter is at the center in the late morning, Maddex gets some one on one time with me and we do outdoor activities and socialization. A nice thing about summer at parks here is the city offers the kiddos free lunch. Maddex really enjoys this as my mother did this with him last summer. This also gives him a chance for some pool play and park play to tire him out. As he is starting to nap less, he becomes crabby in the afternoon. "Getting the beans out" or wiggles out or however you may call it, is good for him. All kiddos need some time to run around and just be kids!

  • Academics at Home: We are continuing with our school work books and it's going okay so far. I am guessing this is because it's new; by the end of July I expect to see behaviors and more defiance with completing these tasks. I am making notes on their score sheets (they come with the work books) for IEP's in the fall. This way, I can provide examples of the results of what I see, and how I have approached the situation.
    As I mentioned in my vlog, I am including the alligator song and picture I discussed. Here it is:

    I do not take credit for this picture and song, to see the site, click here and here. This is not my work. Also, see my disclaimer at the bottom of the page, and my Disclosure page, here.

  • Posting the Chore Chart: This has been going well so far. The boys enjoy going to the pool as their prize activity. For more information on this, read my post on them under Visuals To Reinforce Good Behavior, in 'Bridging the Summer Gap', click here.

It's going to be a busy month! And, fingers crossed, very productive.

What's going on with us this week?

As I have stated above, videos and pictures of carter! I am so excited that I can finally share with you my charming little boy, I hope you enjoy seeing and watching him. Check out my YouTube channel for our first official video together here. Of course, like and subscribe to never miss another video. If you do subscribe, click the bell to turn on notifications. Leave us some comments and let me know anything else you would like to know about Carter.

The Fourth of July! Yikes. I am not a fan of fireworks. This year, Andy is working the night of the holiday - I may catch up with a friend and see if she is taking her kids to see the fireworks; if not, we may just watch them on the tv. I do have noise cancelling headphones just in case we would need them.

Prepping for our trip to Florida next month. As I have previously mentioned, we are going to Disney. The kiddos are so excited! With Carter's autism, I need to get in contact with his psychiatrist to get a doctor's note; I am hoping to reach out to the amusement parks, air lines, and hotel to see what accommodations they can make if we need them for Carter. I am so glad I bought an all-in-one printer with a fax in it. This makes sending the doctor's notes so much easier. That all sounds like a headache, I have a lot of work to do!

My closing thoughts
I am so happy I can finally introduce Carter to you, I hope you are too. Structure is important even in the summer months. I hope you enjoyed my post, don't forget to check out my YouTube channel to see my vlog on this post with some conversations with Carter also. Check out our Q & A video also to learn a bit about Carter. Follow me on social media to stay in the know how of my posts and vlogs. Thank you all for reading, I really appreciate your support! Have a great day 💓

**Disclosure: Reviews of products & referenced links are not sponsored by any affiliates and are solely the opinion of the Author; these are strictly opinions and honest advice, which should not be considered consumer or health guidelines. The Autism Soup and/or The Author are not responsible for any injuries or damage due to procedures listed above. Please consult with your doctor in regards to health concerns.